They call me Jillian.

My regards.

In Uncategorized on March 7, 2010 at 7:25 pm

Apologies all around for the lack of post as of late, but I’ve been hopping from state to state. (I’m trying to make this sound more glamorous than it really is – I just came home to Pennsylvania for spring break.) I drove home Saturday and got off a little latter than planned thanks to Lindsey’s tequila-laden margaritas and ended up hitting Beltway traffic. So, a drive that I’ve made in two and half hours before took me closer to three and a half. The drive was exceedingly boring and boredom makes me sleepy, hence me putting off my posting responsibilities.

I may have already told you all about my bed casualty, yes? Perhaps no? Okay, real quick… My bed broke. Stop reading now and just skip to the next paragraph if you don’t want to read an incredibly boring story that won’t matter to your life at all. Okay, decide now because it’s beginning. I moved into a house I’m renting with a couple friends down in DC so I needed bedroom furniture and really, furniture of all types – and I’m still accepting orphaned pieces! So my parents gave me my old Ikea bed (my very first “big girl” bed I moved to straight outta the crib (literally)) that by now is like 18+ years old. I promise all I was doing was sleeping in it but the metal pieces that held up the mattress split and dislodged from the particle board side slats.

My old bed ended up being totaled, so I went to Ikea and got myself a wonderful, beautiful, super-cool new bed frame. But being the broke college student that I am, my bed frame didn’t come with a headboard. “Well, I can just make myself a headboard, can’t I?” I said to myself oh so naively. After scanning through dozens of DIY guides and home improvement how-tos I came up with a general plan of how I would construct my headboard – yes, Apartment Therapy is currently my top visited site. Unfortunately, after google mapping Home Depots in DC I found there literally isn’t a single one – proof! – okay, there’s a couple but they’re far. So the plan was shelved until spring break when I’m home and have Home Depot-access and the requisite time (that’s still debatable).

After three and a half hours out and about today, my mom and I have finally procured the necessary materials – plywood, molding, wood stain, plastic tubing, metal washers, nails, screws, hinges, buttons, fabric, foam, batting, thread, and I think that’s it. It’s gonna be a pretty big and exhaustive job (I’ll make sure to put up pictures when it’s all finished.), especially considering that neither my boss at internship nor my professors recognize the concept of actually getting a break during spring BREAK. C’mon! It’s literally in the phrase. How can that be fair? But (hearing my dad’s voice resonating in my skull) life isn’t fair. Still, I’m entitled to complain a little, right?

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